All Schools Closed November 1, 2019 All schools in RSU 24 are cancelled today, November 1, due to power outages and road closures. This includes Adult Ed. Please drive safely if you have to go out.
All Schools Closed Today, October 17 Due to the weather, all schools in RSU 24, including Adult Ed. and the DSF will be closed today, October 17. Stay safe out there, everyone!
Tax Implications for New Building Project The document used as part of the Public Meeting and Straw Poll on March 20, 2019, which explained the budget (tax) implications, was inaccurate due to an error in the formula calculation. The corrected amounts are much more favorable and you will see a dramatic decrease in the tax burden from what was presented at the meeting. Please take a moment to review the attached (revised) document and let us know if you have any questions.
Public Meeting/Straw Poll to discuss the Middle/High School Building Project - Wednesday, March 20 @ 6 pm - held at the Sumner High School Cafeteria
No School April 8, 2019 Due to the approaching storm, there is no school today, April 8, in all RSU 24 schools, including Adult Education. Stay safe, everyone!
Peninsula School Parent Survey February 2019 In our continuing effort to reach out to our community stakeholders in RSU#24, we would like to get your input on how you would like to receive information and what topics you are interested in hearing about. Please take a few minutes and complete this short survey. We are hoping for 100% participation from all of our families so we can get a better feel for how we can best communicate with you. You will receive notification of this survey through several modes of communication, so please only take it once. Thank you.
School Nutrition Benefits for Families Impacted by Federal Shutdown MDOE Priority Notice - With the federal shutdown impacting numerous Mainers, the Maine Department of Education wants to remind school districts that applications for free and reduced-price meals may be submitted at any time throughout the school year, even during a federal shutdown. If federal employees impacted by the shutdown would like to apply for school meal benefits for their children, they may so do through their local school district. To apply – A special application can be downloaded from the Maine Department of Education’s website (linked by clicking on the title above) and submitted to your local school’s food service program.
Revised 2018-2019 School Calendar The RSU Board approved one change to the 2018-2019 school calendar at the November 6 Board meeting. The March 2019 professional development day has been moved from March 15 to March 8. Students will not be in school on March 8 and school will be in session as normal on March 15. Revised calendar is attached.
April 3, 2019: All After School Activities Are Canceled Due to the poor road conditions, all RSU #24 after school activities are canceled for today, April 3. This includes Adult Education. Drive carefully if you need to go out!